Zanta brigades

Zanta brigades were born amidst the words  and onto the pages  of Miron Evomidis' writings.

their goal is the realization of the project "invisible cities"  (see next page).

the have no charter since  "a good idea never stays on paper".

the partisans of Zanta brigades come to meetings in random times  into the neurons of healthy brains or not .

they are all cyclists, comrades on wheel, dromocrats.

the partisans of Zanta brigades do not produce any ideas. They realize them, since "the best idea is lost in explanation"

the partisans of Zanta brigades are

   sikan X
   miron evomidis
   sparokefalos Λ
   cherokee balboa
   methoni isbeckyill

sikan X_ composer of 3 unpublished for the time being LP's : THE ANIMALS IN KINGDOM OF RHYME [ΤΑ ΖΩΑ ΣΤΟ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΡΙΜΑΣ] [2004],  CITY TOXERA[Η ΠΟΛΙΣ TOXERA] [2006], THE ADVENTURES OF AVGERIS [ΟΙ ΠΕΡΙΠΕΤΕΙΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΥΓΕΡΗ] [2010]  I he composes mainly on accordion I a pro amateur cinematographer I in collaboration with despoina annitsaki (despirada) he co- directed (post direction) the  short film /urban bike game, MOON ON THE WHEEL 3 ΦΕΓΓΑΡΙ ΣΤΗ ΡΟΔΑ 3 [2010]

miron evomidis_   the scribeof the brigades the poet of the brigades I the instigator of the brigades I the “arrogance” I in the brigades I world wide unknown for his poetry compilation  titled EKRAN 092 [ΕΚΡΑΝ 092] and his on-going novel FOLDER : INVISIBLE CITIES [ΦΟΛΝΤΕΡ: ΑΟΡΑΤΕΣ ΠΟΛΕΙΣ] (note: FOLDER INVISIBLE CITIES is a novel, not to confuse with project INVISIBLE CITIES, that to be carried out from Z brigades) I a worthy successor of deactivated Methoni Isbeckyill

matilda_ digital persona I she loves surfing on crystal waters of Bora Bora I she loves surfing in various internet fora   (forums)

sparokefalos Λ_ fictional fish I creation of sikan X I leading figure in the revolution of the fish in Rhyme’s Kingdom I inventor of the miraculous waterBubble.

cherokee balboa_  the radio broadcaster with the ‘airwaved’ punches  I
he unleashed dozens of left uppercuts and directs on to the mega windshields of 4WD vehicles, in a series of 17 radio broadcasts [2007]  I title ΙΧ2 I radio station δίκτυο 91.5 FM I che’ is his nickname

atom_ a chartered accountant I creator of 2984 I he lives in london I he struggles to find the heroes of his homonymous novel, a tribute to orwell’s 1984 I meanwhile, he sets up small happenings, the so called ‘ETEROKLITES SINEDRIES’ [ΕΤΕΡΟΚΛΗΤΕΣ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΕΣ]

methoni isbeckyill_ deactivated writer I still trying to convince the Zanta brigades they need a statutory statement  I author of the URBAN TAPESTRY [ΑΣΤΙΚΗ ΤΑΠΕΤΣΑΡΙΑ]

listis [thief] _ ex member of  capitalistis corporation I he joined the Z brigades to revenge the corporation I on his way to Toxera city he came across other ‘list s’ [thieves] (idea-, amoral-, -material, natura-, imperial-, forma-, lists) I he narrated his stories to sikan X I  him, sikan X, conveyed them in his TOXERA CITY [Η ΠΟΛΙΣ TOXERA] [2006]  I listis runs a café  I he runs along with it  a platform elaborating on stationary money and stationary ideas

translator_  Zanta brigades NEED ONE